Autumn is upon us

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My Model Kitchen

By Cristina Ferrare

Join me in My Model Kitchen and I’ll walk you through these incredible recipes that have brought my loved ones so much joy over the years. I’ll guide you through pre-recorded video tutorials, and the Sous Chef AI will chime in with personalized feedback and direction. Food is about so much more than cooking, it’s about love, the secret ingredient! So join me in bringing these recipes to life!

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Editor's Picks

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Award Winners

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For the Foodies

Fascinating foods for every palate

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Books & collections trending in film

Books For Better You

Follow your bliss, with books to guide you there.

Top Audiobooks This Week

Spotlighting our most-listened to books this week.

Binge-worthy Series

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Lightray Image
Lightray Image

Animal Farm AI

By George Orwell

Experience the Classics like never before! Now you can talk to the characters in the stories if you want to learn more, or experience the action with them. Dive into Animal Farm AI and find out what the future if reading is like! Step into the barnyard with Sonia and Daisy, your AI-guided companions in the world of "Animal Farm". These astute hens provide fresh perspectives, sparking interactive dialogues that breathe new life into familiar scenes. While Orwell's words remain untouched, our digital duo offers an enriched layer of immersion and understanding.

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Hidden Gems

Lesser-known books that deserve more attention.

Books To Movies

Titles that have been adapted into films or TV shows.

Books For Gamers
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Junior Readers

Age-appropriate selections for younger readers.

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